We provide a number of community based crisis respite and recovery houses, as well as one based at Wairarapa Hospital.
The community services are developed by non-government organisations contracted to us and are based in Wellington, Porirua, Kāpiti, the Hutt Valley and the Wairarapa.
How to access our service
Referrals are made by clinicians within the Mental Health, Addiction and Intellectual Disability Service (MHAIDS).
What to expect if you or someone you care for uses our service
The respite and recovery services offer a welcoming place where people experiencing mental health difficulties can rest and recover in a home-like environment.
There are well trained staff available 24 hours a day to support people using the service.
Respite and recovery may be:
- a planned break away from home
- a transition from hospital
- a way of preventing further distress and possible admission to hospital.
The length of stay is flexible, but usually people stay at respite for 2 or 3 days.