What is Mārama?
Mārama is our digital survey that allows you and your whānau give anonymous feedback on our services.
The Mārama survey will ask you nine simple questions on your experience with us.
Mārama is a Māori concept relating to wisdom and understanding, and the natural world of life and light. It derives from the Maori legend in which Tāne (Māori guardian of the forest and birds) separated his Sky Father Ranginui and Earth Mother Papatūānuku to create a world of light and life. This world was known as ‘Te ao mārama’.
We encourage all persons using our services and their whānau to provide feedback to us via the Mārama Feedback Survey. It is designed for people aged 12 and over and it is completely anonymous – we cannot identify who gave which feedback.
You and your whānau can complete the survey from anywhere with an internet-connected device. This allows you to give honest and open feedback in your own personal time and space.
Thank you for considering completing the Mārama survey
When should I complete the Mārama survey?
You can complete the survey regularly following your appointments with us, once in a while or not at all.
We encourage all our clients and their whānau to provide anonymous feedback to us via the Mārama Feedback Tool.
Will you know which answers were given by me?
No. We cannot identify who gave which answers.
The survey is completely anonymous – you will not be asked for your name or contact information. We encourage you to be open and honest with their feedback.
What happens to the feedback I provide?
All feedback provided to us via the Mārama Feedback Tool is being collected and regular reports are provided to our services.
Your feedback helps us to review, adjust and improve our services.
How do I complete the Mārama survey?
There are many ways to complete the Mārama survey:
From the comfort of your computer
You can visit our Mārama website link here to take the survey. Please note that the survey is designed to operate on Firefox and Chrome website browsers only.
On your smartphone by scanning the QR code on our posters or other materials
When you visit our services, you will see Mārama posters in our reception areas. The poster has a QR code in it. You can scan the code with your phone’s camera or using a QR code reader app to open the survey.
You can also find a Mārama QR code on many of our appointment cards or a flyers.
At the end of your appointment
Most of our locations hold tablets that are set up for completing the Mārama survey. Some of our staff members also carry tablets with them. They may ask if you want to complete the Mārama survey then and there.
Survey link by text or email following your appointment
Some of our services can send you a text or an email following your appointment with us. The message will include a link to our Mārama feedback tool.
Printed copies of the Mārama survey
Most of our services also have paper versions of the Mārama survey available for you. These are identical to the digital survey. After you have completed the paper survey, you simply hand it over to our admin staff who will capture your responses in the digital Mārama surveys.
What if I want to make a complaint?
The survey is not a formal complaints tool.As the results are anonymous, we can’t follow-up with you to make things right.
If you would like to make a formal complaint you can:
- talk with the team who provide your care and treatment
- ask to speak with the team leader
- make a complaint through your local DHB (just ask about the process)
- contact your local Health and Disability Advocate on freephone 0800 555 050 or email advocacy@hdc.org.nz
- talk to the Health and Disability Commissioner on freephone 0800 11 22 33 or email hdc@hdc.org.nz