Please also provide details of a next of kin, other whānau member, or support person of the person you are seeking to refer. You’ll need the consent of the person being referred to provide this information:
Some of our services (such as our adult community services) operate in different geographical areas, or ‘home bases’, within our region. If you need to refer to one of our community services but are not sure which one, please refer to the maps and boundary descriptors below. Click the map to view a larger version.

Kāpiti home base: From Peka Peka (not including Hadfield Road) to Pāekākāriki Hill Road, including Waikanae/Paraparaumu/Raumati and surrounds)
Porirua home base: From Pāekākāriki Hill Road to Porirua city and surrounds (Cannon Creek, Waitangirua, Titahi Bay, Plimmerton, Mana) to northern Wellington Suburbs through to Broadmeadows (including Tawa, Johnsonville, Newlands to Ohariu Valley)
Wellington Central home base: Central and Western suburbs from Kaiwharawhara and Khandallah to Adelaide Road, Newtown, including Makara Valley, Karori and Thorndon.
Wellington South Home Base: Southern suburbs from parts of Newtown and Berhampore to Karaka Bays/Worser Bay including Strathmore, Seatoun and Kilbirnie.
Lower Hutt Home Base (also known as Hutt South): Ngauranga Gorge to Stokes Valley, and across to Wainuiomata, Seaview and Eastbourne/Days Bay.
Upper Hutt Home Base (also known as Hutt North): Stokes Valley to Remutaka Hill Lookout.
Wairarapa Home Base: Remutaka Hill lookout to Mount Bruce.