Tēnā koutou kātoa,
The Mental Health and Addiction Change Programme is working to design a system of care to better meet the needs of our communities.
Stakeholders have told us that changes are needed to provide a mental health and addiction system that is more equitable, accessible, and closer to home.
Changes we are exploring as part of the Adult Community Mental Health and Addiction workstream include transforming how we deliver specialist adult community mental health and addiction services to our communities, to provide a more integrated and holistic response.
The project team has taken what has been said and created a range of evidence-based options for how local specialist community and crisis functions could operate in an integrated manner. This is in line with the national direction to create systems that provide care closer to home and which connect with other key agencies and providers.
A high-level concept has been developed which sets out a model for a new way of working. It has been developed following initial consultation with stakeholders across the district, including:
- People with lived experience
- Māori whānau
- Pacific peoples
- People living with disability
MHAIDS kaimahi
A two-phase process
The feedback process will take place in two phases: a high-level conceptual overview of the proposed approach, followed by a more detailed plan.
Feedback from the first phase will shape a detailed change proposal presented for consultation in the second phase. This includes potential impacts on roles, such as opportunities to work in a different way or location.
Share your thoughts
We are now seeking wider stakeholder feedback on this concept to help refine our thinking. We want to hear from you, as feedback is crucial in helping us shape the project and make sure we continue to move in the right direction. Please read the concept paper and provide us with feedback through one or more of the following ways:
- Email any initial thoughts directly to our Change Programme team mhachange@ccdhb.org.nz
- Attend one of our face-to-face workshops taking place later this month:
Tuesday 24 January, 2-3pm: Horne Lecture Theatre, Level 12 Ward Support Block, Wellington Regional Hospital
Friday 27 January, 12-1pm: Learning Centre Auditorium, Level One Clock Tower Building, Hutt Hospital
Monday 30 January, 2.30-3.30pm: Moa room, Ngā Wāhi Akōnga Convention Centre, Porirua
- Wednesday 25 January, 10-11am: via Zoom link, meeting ID 850 1018 5287, password 211750
- If you would like to arrange a meeting with us, please contact mhachange@ccdhb.org.nz to arrange a date and time.
More information can be found in the FAQs. These will be updated regularly.
These proposed changes are the result of working closely with stakeholders throughout 2022. We are strongly committed to working in partnership with stakeholders, including MHAIDS kaimahi, to give us the best chance possible to enhance our system of care.
Karla Bergquist Paul Oxnam
Executive Director, MHAIDS Executive Clinical Director, MHAIDS