Tēnā koutou kātoa,
As you are aware, the Mental Health and Addiction Change Programme is working to roll out a system of care to better meet the needs of our communities, in line with the national focus on providing care closer to home and in more integrated ways.
This includes the redesign of secondary mental health and addiction services. To achieve this, we have engaged in a codesign process, including a series of design workshops earlier in the year. We have worked alongside stakeholders and priority partners including Māori, Pacific, those with lived experience, and people with disabilities.
Many of you were involved in this process. We would like to thank you for sharing your expertise and ideas to help create a vision for the future of local specialist mental health and addiction services.
This information was used to create a proposal for how a redesigned service could look, which was shared with MHAIDS kaimahi for consultation last week.
We are excited to share with you a summary of the changes it proposes. The summary outlines the suggested model of care, service delivery model, and what we hope these changes will achieve.
What’s new
Key features of the change proposal include:
Timeline and next steps
- 20 June – 14 July: 4-week consultation period with staff. Feedback collected and used to inform final decisions.
- 8 August: Decision document (including implementation plan) and final operating framework released.
- Mid-August: Summary of outcomes will be sent out to external stakeholders.
If you would like to give feedback on the direction of change, or have any questions, please email our Change Programme team MHAchange@ccdhb.org.nz.
Wakaiti Saba Alastair Willis
Group Manager Clinical Director
Mental Health and Addiction Services